Decorating my apartment


As much as you've been tired of seeing my face and my outfits here, I am like that as well. So today's post is going to feature what I've been doing with my new house. I moved with my boyfriend a couple of months ago and now I'm trying to make your apartment look prettier. I discovered that I'm really fond of home decor, though I commit some mistakes now and then hahaha... but it's been a lot of fun to find stuff and to get them fitting perfectly in the space I wanted them to be. This is a good example, my workspace. I still want to hang pictures on the wall, but I liked so much the way it looks now that I'm not sure if I'll change this for now.

Standing by the wall is a portrait that a Portuguese friend sent to me some years ago and I never had the chance to frame it. Now it has a black baroque frame to give it the right treatment. Catarina Mouta is the artist who did this and she's a very talented girl who I used to be a penpal, but I was never good enough to reply her letters and/or her drawings. I hope she's well.

Here are some pillow cases I received from Sammydress. I saw a similar one with a deer at TokStok, but it's too expensive there, so I got this imported. I thought it was black and white, but it ended up being with a really rough fabric, like a potato sack, and in a wheat-like color. The print is not black and white as in the picture, but more like a brown-ish (see here), but for less than $5 I think it's totally worth it. Same for the geometric one. I thought it was black and white, but it comes in the same fabric and the print is more like a black/dark jeans rather than black, buuuut... it's not bad at all.

I also sent another painting I got as a gift from a friend from England to be framed. I thought I had framed it in black, but in the end it's white haha. It doesn't matter. I think it's going to stay in this glass table for now, but I'm not keeping this vase there, it's just decorative hehe. I want to buy some real flowers and see how long they last here or how long I'm able to make them last... but there're no stores around. Well, there are some, but I'm not sure if I'm going to find white tulips and peonies there. I may stick to white roses and some small flowers instead, let's see. I still want to buy more vases and flowers. I want a big vase to put on the floor with some sakura branches. :)

And last thing a picture my boyfriend took when we went to the beach this weekend. I liked the editing I did, so I just wanted to share it here too. It's all on my Instagram, but as I want to change a bit the direction of this blog, so I think it's going to be more personal and focused on my "adventures" (which are very few, to be honest hehe) and other interesting stuff like music and movies rather than just outfit posts every fucking day. I myself don't follow blogs like that, so why would I make my own blog turn into something like that, right? I'm just not very sure if I'll keep writing both in Portuguese and English or just English. I think there's more Brazilian visitors, but for some reason I feel like I need to be broader here. Let's see. :)

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  1. Adoro essas decorações minimalistas, acho super sofisticado e fica lindo!
    Adorei os detalhes :)


  2. Acho que entendo sua posição Lidia, os anos fazem mesmo nossas prioridades mudarem. Admiro muito seus textos do Kunst ist Krieg e Medium, sou fã de sua escrita e pesquisa, de alguma forma, continuarei te acompanhando (em inglês ou português rsrs)! Qualquer coisa, sou aberta a guest posts seus no MdS. Não some! :)
    (ah, adoro decorações p&b, tá ficando lindo o apê)

  3. Adorei como está ficando a decoração. Os desenhos ficaram tão lindos. Amei o de bruxinha ^^
    Eu consigo entender relativamente bem inglês, então continuarei acompanhando por aqui, se essa for a decisão.
