Look do dia: Lace-up blouse


Hey all. One more outfit for this week. It's some of the remaining things I have to review here and today I'm featuring this beautiful blouse I received from SheIn. I was really looking forward to having a piece like that. I saw my mother wearing a similar top and then I had the chance to got one for myself. Despite being made of chiffon, it's actually rather warm, so I use it mostly when it's windy here. Well, of course the temperatures in Brazil are different and even during winter we may have days with a temperature like 29ºC, so my bet is that in the North Hemisphere you would use this during a chilly spring day.

Hat: Asos
Blouse: SheIn
Pants: Topshop
Boots: Office

I ordered a size L to me, but it ended up being tighter than I thought, especially on the arms. I lost some weight during the past weeks, so I noticed it got more comfortable as the days went by. But, seriously, I loved the top. It's one of my favorite pieces currently. It just sucks that I don't like to iron clothes lol, but it's just perfect. 

Ah, and speaking of my weight loss, that's all part of my decision to start a low carbs diet. I thought I would never be able to follow that, since I love pizza, bread, pasta and rice. I didn't stop eating any of these (except rice) completely, and I really can't avoid sweets, but after the first week that I did it with more effort, I notice a great difference in my body. I like my pictures here and there's been a long time I don't feel comfortable with posing with pants without hiding my hips.

The truth is that when I was 17 and almost 10kg thinner, I needed to face some criticism regarding my body shape. The worst thing a girl could do for herself is paying for a modeling course at a shithole like I did. Well, my mother did, but nobody knew it would be like that anyway. There I needed to hear a random old lady saying that I should never wear trousers because my legs are too short. 

I mean, what the fuck? First of all, even if I had short legs, I could still wear anything I like. Secondly, my legs are not short - they are probably just proportional instead of being longer than the other half of my body, which is a typical feature in models and taller girls. And third, yes, my legs are thicker, they always were, even when I was weighting 57kg. And so what? In spite of being on a diet again, I'm not crazy about being thin and I have been learning more and more how deceitful is this idea of skinny girls - many of them are just about angles, lightning and edition. I still don't feel 100% confident with my body, but who is completely confident with anything anyway? 

It's been a long, long time I don't need to hear anything like I am fat or something, but I spent more than half of my life dealing with this and changing your mindset takes a longer time than the months you used to lose weight. But harder than that is changing people's mind and I've seen so many cases of self-image distortion and the promotion of this among bloggers, especially on Instagram, that I would like to leave a shout out here for those girls who keep praising anorexia and thinspiration accounts. 

I don't like to get into trouble online, but a couple of months ago I just needed to comment on a post in which a girl was happy that she lost weight due to her depression and she's definitely underweight according to the IMC chart. Being it inaccurate or not, it's still ridiculous to promote unhealthy and fictional body images, besides fantasizing and making psychological disorders seem glam. Fuck this. If I ever did something like that, please forgive me and also warn me, because that's a fight I stand for.

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  1. Gosto muito. So cool, great style.


  2. Adorei o look. A blusa é linda!
    Eu também andei perdendo peso depois de diminuir carboidrato na minha alimentação. Também achei que nunca ia conseguir fazer isso porque adoro comer com arroz, mas até que tá sendo bem mais fácil do que pensei.. rs
    E sobre o último assunto, fico tão triste em ver que esse padrão da magreza extrema ainda é tão idolatrado. Eu também acho horrível ver por aí pessoas idolatrando e glamorizando distúrbios alimentares como se fosse algo bom. Espero que um dia todas as mulheres possam se olhar no espelho e ficar satisfeita com o que veem. Digo isso inclusive por mim.. rs
    Mas um dia a gente chega lá, né. Só de já conseguirmos perceber que tudo não passa de algo que tentam nos pregar como o bonito e certo já é um grande passo.

