Dress: Romwe
Eyewear: Loper
Necklace: Regalrose
Choker: Aiya
Oi, gente! Provavelmente agora que vocês estão lendo esse post, eu já não estou mais entre vocês. HAHAHA Calma, é porque estou me mudando para a Inglaterra e provavelmente nesse momento estou no trem indo de Londres para Lincoln. É uma situação de mixed feelings, porque estou tão feliz de ter conseguido essa oportunidade de morar fora quanto estou triste por ficar longe de casa e das pessoas (e gatinhos) que eu amo. Engraçado que logo na véspera uma colunista da Folha de S. Paulo postou um texto sobre isso. Não faço ideia de como vai ser, então nem adianta ficar dizendo muita coisa por aqui, por enquanto.
Hi everyone! Now that you're reading this post, I'm probably not among you guys anymore. HAHAHA Just joking. That's because I'm moving to England and I may be at the train from London to Lincoln right now. It's a mixed feelings situation, because I'm both happy about this opportunity to live abroad as much as I'm sad to be away from home and from the people (and cats) I love so much. The funniest thing is that on Wednesday, a writer from a big newspaper from Brazil wrote a post about that. I have no idea what will happen next, so there's no use to keep talking about that here, for now.

Looking for a beautiful and cheap homecoming dress (http://www.ericdress.com/list/cheap-homecoming-dresses-4369/)? Check EricDress (http://www.ericdress.com/) for gorgeous short homecoming dresses like these ones featured above. On this store, you will find many dress styles for several occasions, such as proms and cocktails. Buy plus size prom dresses under 100 and get your perfect outfit for a special night. You can choose the design and even the color. Select a size between US2 and US 26W or order a custom size dress paying only $19,99 for it.

Jacket: Calvin Klein
Top: Carmim
Shorts: Zara
Sandals: Datelli
Oi! :) Hoje eu quis dar uma mudada e acrescentar uma cor diferente do tradicional preto e branco dos meus looks. Minha mãe anda viciada em turquesa (o que ela chama de azul Tiffany) e eu meio que entrei na onda. Na verdade, eu quase tinha comprado essa blusinha para mim, mas achei que tinha ficado grande demais - e ficou, mas sempre dou truque nas roupas quando vou tirar foto ahahahha. Tenho visto vários modelos assim, com esse fiozinho acima do decote e acho bem legal. Meio que acompanha a tendência dos strappy bras - que, inclusive, são impossÃveis de achar por aqui em Sorocaba.
Hi! :) Today I wanted to change a little bit and add an extra color on my traditional black and white outfits. My mother has been quite addicted to turquoise (what she calls Tifanny blue) and I ended up liking it as well. As a matter of fact, I almost had bought this top for me, but I thought it was too large - and it is, but I have my tricks for taking pictures hahaha. I have been seeing several tops with this strap over the neckine, which is something that I find very nice. In some way, it follows the strappy bra trend - by the way, I can't possibly find those around here, in my city.
Hey, do you like bodycon dresses? They are great for those girls who want to outline their silhouette and make their sexy curves pop. On KissMiss.co.uk, you will find the best prices and styles of bodycon dresses. You can shop them by color, neckline, element and so on. Release your inner Kim Kardashian with great outfits such as these two above.
Love your Dad, love yourself. Be a better one for him. Best outfit on www.znu.com helps you! Saves 35% with code “FATHER” if >$35 at WWW.ZNU.COM , (Anyone can use this code) Or my fans who share this promo on your blog or platforms then you will get one COUPON of $16 at www.znu.com ! (ENDS:6/23)
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(Please the fans who shares this promo contact us with marketing@znu.com , we will contact you with the detail of award and the special code of the COUPON. Thanks)
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(Please the fans who shares this promo contact us with marketing@znu.com , we will contact you with the detail of award and the special code of the COUPON. Thanks)
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1. Dress 2. Shades 3. Sandals 4. Rings 5. Bag |
Now that summer is arriving in the northern countries, you may be quite excited to get rid of your heavy coats and long sleeves to enjoy the heat and a good ice cream. Here in Brazil it's almost winter, but the temperatures didn't decrease yet - we're facing temperatures like 25ºC during last days. So I can relate, at least a little bit, to the climate you may be experience in Europe or in United States, for intance. :) Here are some of my tips for this summer, so you can get the best of fashion with great prices on SheIn. I'll be proposing some different styles, but all according to a minimal/dark/chic inspiration, taking this first one as a casual minimal and modern geometric inspiration for your fresh days.

Dress: SheIn
Bag: Milanoo
Shoes: TNG
Ring: Miniminou
Novamente estou postando um look numa quarta em vez de segunda. Não sei se faz muita diferença para vocês. Preferem uma regularidade? É meio difÃcil manter isso, mas agora voltei a tirar foto com tripé, aà fica mais fácil. O único problema é que peguei uma gripe monstra esse feriado e fiquei morta até domingo, praticamente. Mas agora estou já 80% bem. Essa é a segunda e última peça que recebi da SheInside, que agora chama SheIn. É um vestido branco assimétrico bem justo e de tecido razoavelmente grosso. Pessoalmente, eu não gosto muito de roupas justas, então eu sempre coloco meia-calça para ficar mais confortável e também marcar menos - o problema é que aà marca a costura da meia.
I'm again posting an outfit on Wednesday instead of Monday. I don't know if that makes so much difference for you. Would you rather regular posts? It's a little bit difficult to keep like this, but now I'm taking photos again with the help of a tripod, so it's easier. The only problem is that I got a massive cold in the past holidays, so I was basically dead until Sunday. But not I'm 80% good. And this is the second and last dress that I received from SheInside, now called SheIn. It's an asymmetric bodycon white dress with a thick fabric. Personally, I don't know bodycon clothes, so I always wear thighs to make it feel more comfortable and to avoid showing my body too much - the only problem is that the thighs seam will appear through the dress.
This is the perfect time for you to find a beautiful dress for your prom. I have the perfect store for you. MSDress has a vast catalogue of beautiful prom dresses especially for you. So if you are graduating or attending to some prom party or even if you are a special guest for an evening party, do not waste more of your time and check the amazing prom dresses online available on MSDress.
Oi, meninas! Tenho uma notÃcia super legal para vocês. Em parceria com a ZNU, o blog está lançando agora o sorteio desse macaquinho branco. É bem fácil de participar. É só você seguir as regras até o dia 19/06, sexta-feira, quando divulgarei o resultado no Facebook:
- Registre-se no site da ZNU
- Curta a página da ZNU e do Fiercekrieg no Facebook
- Deixe seu email nos comentários
Hi, girls! I have great news for you today. On a partnership with ZNU, we're doing a giveaway of this beautiful white jumpsuit. It's very easy to join it. You just need to follow these rules until June 19, when the results will be published on Facebook:
- Register on ZNU
- Like ZNU and Fiercekrieg on Facebook
- Leave your email in the comments
Jumper: SheInside
Wallet: Carmen Steffens
Sandals: Forum
Bracelet: Dark Paradise
Shades: Loper
Gente, que correria! Essas últimas semanas têm sido bem cheias. Mas ainda bem, né? Pior ficar mofando dentro de casa. Ontem fui pega de surpresa e participei de um desfile beneficente depois de praticamente sete anos sem fazer isso. Eu ainda não estou com as fotos, então vou deixar para postar algo no Facebook ou por aqui mesmo nos próximos dias, mas foi um evento que aconteceu aqui em Sorocaba, em apoio a CIM, Centro de Integração de Mulheres.
Mas vamos ao look de hoje! Muito feliz que minhas coisinhas da SheInside chegaram na semana passada, apesar de taxadas pela Receita. Olha, vou dizer uma coisa para vocês: a Receita está de péssimo humor e está fazendo todo mundo rodar. A moça dos Correios me disse que ultimamente tem sido taxado e eu acredito que, inclusive, meu nome tenha entrado numa "lista negra" - aparentemente isso é verdade, já que conversei com outras pessoas. Paciência, gente... o que vocês podem fazer é apostar nos fretes mais lentos e mais baratos e não comprar muita coisa de uma só vez. Alguns pacotes meus não foram taxados assim, então fica a dica.
Wow, these days have been very busy! But that's something good in the end, isn't that? I think it's worse to stay at home doing literally nothing every single day. Yesterday I was surprised by an invitation to join a fashion show after seven years. I don't have the photos yet, so I'll post something later on Facebook or here, in the following days. What I can say is that the event happened here in Sorocaba and it was to support the female organization CIM, Integration Center for Women.
But let's talk about today's outfit! I'm very happy that my stuff from Sheinside arrived last week, although I was taxed by the customs. I can only say that Brazilians have been facing this even more lately, so we need to take care by choosing the cheapest shipping methods and pray hahaha.
Como prometido, estou aqui de cabelo novo e com várias dicas para compartilhar com vocês! A questão é que eu acho bem difÃcil falar de cabelo e descoloração, tanto pelo fato de que não sou expert nisso e também porque não dá para generalizar. Vocês vão entender isso ao longo do post. Mas esse trabalho incrÃvel foi feito pelo meu amigo e cabeleireiro Valdir Duarte, do Atelier Valdir Duarte, aqui em Sorocaba. Eu já falei dele aqui várias vezes, porque sou cliente fiel e sempre vou lá quando quero dar um jeito no meu cabelo. Então vamos lá que eu vou fazer uma retrospectiva dos preparos antes e depois da descoloração.
As I promised, here I am with my new hair and with some tips to share with you all! The only thing is that I think it's quite hard to talk about hair and bleaching, both because I'm no expert and because we can't generalize the results and effects. You're gonna understand what I'm saying as you read the post. But this amazing work was done by my friend and hairdresser Valdir Duarte, from the Atelier Valdir Duarte, here in Sorocaba. I already talked about him several times here, because I'm a loyal customer and I always go there to fix or change my hair. So here we go into a retrospective of the procedures that I did before and after the bleaching.