Shirt: Lulu
Shorts: Zara
Belt: Vanda Vintage Brechó
Socks: Sock Dreams
Shoes: Melissa
Fazia um tempo que eu não postava look aqui, né? Essas semanas têm sido meio corridas. Mas a novidade é que consegui uma parceria super legal com a Cuteshop, uma loja online de acessórios. Recebi na semana passada alguns itens para mostrar a vocês e aà aproveitei para combinar vários nesse look all black.
There's been some time I don't post outfits here. The past weeks have been a little bit busy. But the news is that I have a new and awesome partnership with Cuteshop, an accessories online store here in Brazil. Last week I received some items to show you and I included many of them in this all black outfit.
Descubra Boutiques com a Farfetch
Recebi essa dica pelo e-mail e achei que seria algo interessante para vocês! É um widget que te ajuda a encontrar boutiques ao redor do mundo e de acordo com o seu estilo, que pode ser algo entre modern classic, vintage chic, dark and directional, smart suited, bright and eye-catching e street luxe. DisponÃvel tanto para moda feminina quanto masculina, o aplicativo também direciona para uma seleção de itens de acordo com a grife desejada, no site da Farfetch. Legal, né?
I received this tip on my e-mail and I thought it would be interesting for you! It's a widget that helps you finding boutiques around the world according to your style, which can be something like modern classic, vintage chic, dark and directional, smart suited, bright and eye-catching or street luxe. It's avalable both for male and female clothing and you can pick the items according to your favorite brands, which are also on sale at Farfetch website. Nice, huh?
While here in Brazil summer is ending, I guess in the north hemisphere people are totally looking forward to the spring and summer! So what about preparing yourself for the next season buying some nice swimwear for women? At Eric Dress ( you will find several and different styles to wear during your summer vacations and refresh yourself in the pool. There is even beautiful plus size high waisted swimwear for you!
Vogue Russia August 2014 Issue
Photography: Ellen Von Unwerth
Stylist: Sascha Lilic
Makeup: Cathyann Mac Aliister
Manicure: Christina Conrad
CC Hair Extention is one of the best options online for shopping hair weave. In this online store, you may find original human hair on different colors, textures, lenghts and origin (Indian or Brazilian). You can either enhance your hair with weaves that look like yours or maybe add some different color like blonde ones. These are very interesting, because you can dye it, especially the remy human hair clip extension. You can have it in any color: blue, violet, silver etc.
Recentemente, meu namorado e eu saÃmos para fazer compras... Mas, no caso, eram roupas para ele. Isso acontece muito pouco, até porque ele não gosta de gastar dinheiro com isso e, até certa idade, nem era ele quem comprava o que vestia. Porém, de um tempo pra cá, especialmente depois que abriu a Zara em Sorocaba, a gente tem dado umas olhadinhas de vez em quando para achar alguma coisa que ele possa gostar. E, apesar de o verão já estar acabando, uma das nossas buscas foi por um sapato confortável e fresco para o calor que estava fazendo. Como ele não estava achando chinelos que agradassem e eu o proibi de usar aquela sandália do Senninha (HAHAHA), sugeri que ele aderisse a birken, assim como eu fiz!
Recently, my boyfriend and I went shopping... But, in this case, it was clothing for him. This fairly happens, also because he doesn't like to expend money with clothes. Until some years ago, he wasn't even responsible to buy his own wardrobe. However, these days, especially after a Zara store opened in our city, we frequently go checking if there's something he might like. And though summer is ending, one of our searches was for comfortable and fresh shoes for such heat we were facing. As he couldn't find nice flats and I prohibited him to wear hiking sandals, I suggest him to adhere to birkenstocks as I did!
Are you looking for cheap sandals online? If you do, I have an awesome tip: Eric Dress ( is the perfect store if you need some chunky sandals ( Check these two I just added on the picture above: these are beautiful examples of black chunky sandals, with details in white and wood. But there are also many more colors, some styles offer even different tones for the same shoe.
Nossa, se não fosse a Celle, eu super ia esquecer de postar essa pseudo retrospectiva de lokas do dia aqui no blog. É que eu também tiro poucas fotos assim, então acabo ficando com pouco material, como foi o caso desse mês. Mesmo assim, janeiro foi legal porque cortei meu cabelo e comecei a fazer caminhada com a Clarissa, minha amiga do colegial e que também mora aqui em Sorocity. To tentando melhorar minha alimentação e reduzir os doces, o que já me fez perder uns 2 kg quase... mas não to pensando em emagrecer, em si, e sim ficar nessa faixa dos 60-61kg e alguma coisa, porque eu acho que tá bão demais. E por conta disso mesmo comecei a me sentir um pouco mais confortável com as minhas calças!
If it wasn't Celle, I would totally forget to post this pseudo-retrospective of ootd here. That's because I barely take photos like that, so I end up with few material, such as it happened this month. Even so, January was a nice month because I cut my hair and started to go for a walk with Clarissa, a friend from high school who still lives here in Sorocaba. I'm also trying to improve my eating and reduce sweets, which already made me lose almost 2kg... but I'm not thinking about losing weight, per se, but I want to keep myself among 60-61kg and something, because I think this is good enough. And for this reason I also started to feel better when I wear my pants!
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Hey girls! As you might have noticed, I always have some tips for those who are in need of a beautiful dress for a special occasion. If you are looking for evening dresses online, maybe you want to check Eric Dress ( This online store offers cheap long evening dresses in many colors and shapes. You can search for the perfect one right here or in this link The options are many and pretty. And what you may not know is that you can pick one style and then order it in almost any color you like: there are so many tones available for each 2015 evening gowns.
Top: For Yetts
Pants: Renner
Sandals: Arezzo
Eu sempre via outras mulheres usando esse tipo de blusa ou então um vestido com decote decorado por pedrarias. Nunca me reconhecia nesses modelos, achava que os acessórios eram muito grandes e chamativos, mas aà ganhei de presente esse modelo que achei simplesmente maravilhoso! Também é a primeira vez que tenho uma roupa bege, cor que sempre detestei (não mais que marrom), mas esse tom até que ficou bom com a minha pele! Agora que tem essa onda "nude", é fácil de encontrar bons tons de bege.
I always saw other women wearing this kind of top or maybe a dress with a decorated neckline. I never recognized myself wearing such clothing, I thought the accessories were too big and showy, but then I won this top as a gift and I found it totally gorgeous! It's also the first time that I have a beige piece, because I always hated such color (less than brown though), but I think this tone was good to my skin! Now there's this "nude" trend, it's easier to find good beige tones.
Hi, everyone! I just found this new online store that I think you might like. It's called WSDear and it has many options for both women and men. One of the greatest advantages of it is that it offers free shipping worldwide, so you can spend more on clothes and don't care about the price of the shipping! Also, their prices are very good. There is even a section for products costing under $9,99 - and though you might think it's all accessories, I tell you'll find both dresses, swimwear and t-shirts.